29 November 2016

破產 無法參選



勝算極低,法援未必會批,但肯定未來數年不能參選 (BL79)。





26 November 2016


*** 歐洲(法國)容許言論自由包括侮辱其他宗教先知領袖,就是容不下俄羅斯媒體的言論自由。***

歐議會制裁俄媒 軟實力此消彼長

25 November 2016





(1) 宣誓是該條所列公職人員就職的法定條件和必經程序。未進行合法有效宣誓或者拒絕宣誓,不得就任相應公職,不得行使相應職權和享受相應待遇。...
(3) 宣誓人拒絕宣誓,即喪失就任該條所列相應公職的資格。宣誓人故意宣讀與法定誓言不一致的誓言或者以任何不真誠、不莊重的方式宣誓,也屬於拒絕宣誓,所作宣誓無效,宣誓人即喪失就任該條所列相應公職的資格。


23 November 2016



- 參選時必須簽署確認書。
- 就任時必須真誠及莊重地宣誓,擁護基本法、效忠中華人民共和國及其香港特別行政區。
- 議會內外均不可以污蔑或燒毁基本法文本或國旗、區旗等。
- 不可以宣傳港獨、台獨或分裂國家。
- 在議會內不可以鬧事(第17條)。理論上,任何市民都可以報警。
- 立法會主席有無上權威,只要依足議事規則行事,不受任何法院的司法管轄權所管轄 (第23條)。
- 立法會職員均具有警務人員的所有權力和享有警務人員的所有特權 (第24條)。



泛民 歷史評價


歸根究底,泛民錯在凡是反對(99%)、針對個人(CY)、泛政治化、上綱上線、不顧現實、不懂妥協、暗撑「港獨」,最後 ... 物極必反,大勢已去。可以說,無論是心態或是計謀,都給人家比下去。





大道之行 - 宋立功







21 November 2016






RTHK : 社民連立法會議員梁國雄和人民力量成員譚得志,去年5月在星島新聞集團主辦的辯論比賽示威,兩人在東區裁判法院,被裁定「故意妨礙合法使用文娛中心人士」罪名成立,梁國雄被判囚7日,准以4千元保釋等候上訴;譚得志判監7日緩刑12個月。



20 November 2016


*** 為了解答此問题,首先須了解第104條所提及的其中一個宣誓人是行政長官。行政長官作為特區首長,通過選舉或協商產生,由中央人民政府任命並對中央人民政府和特區負責。因此,行政長官向國家及特區效忠是理所當然的。***
(1) 根據基本法第12條,香港特別行政區是中華人民共和國的一個享有高度自治權的地方行政區域,直轄於中央人民政府。
已故基本法專家蕭蔚雲說,香港特區 「不同於內地的省、自治區、直轄市,不實行人民代表大會制,內地的地方政府、法院、檢察院都由地方人民代表大會選舉產生,對它負責並接受它的監督,香港的情況不同,由於實行"一國兩制"方針,它實行行政主導的體制。」
*** 很明顯,香港特區以至行政長官均隸屬中央人民政府的行政架構。***
(2) 行政長官如拒絕簽署立法會再次通過的法案或立法會拒絕通過政府提出的財政預算案或其他重要法案,經協商仍不能取得一致意見,行政長官可解散立法會。
(3) 全國人大常委會於2004年4月26日的決定提及"行政主導體制"。

19 November 2016



第 382 章 - 《立法會(權力及特權)條例》 

第17條 :     藐視罪 
(c) 在立法會或任何委員會舉行會議時,引起或參加任何擾亂,致令立法會或該委員會的會議程序中斷或相當可能中斷,即屬犯罪,可處罰款$10000及監禁12個月,如持續犯罪,則在持續犯罪期間,另加每日罰款$2000。 

*** 理論上,是否任何市民都可以報警? lol

第23條 : 立法會、主席或任何立法會人員在合法行使由本條例或議事規則、或根據本條例或議事規則所授予或賦予立法會、主席或該人員的任何權力時,不受任何法院的司法管轄權所管轄。 

*** 關鍵詞是"合法",前提是在《基本法》的憲政框架下立法會主席首先須擁有該項權力。

第24條 : 為本條例的施行及刑事法律的應用,每名立法會人員在會議廳範圍內,均具有警務人員的所有權力和享有警務人員的所有特權。 

*** 有權需要用時便要用啊。



至於判刑輕重 … 則很難說了。

18 November 2016



17 November 2016










若法院可以"干涉"特首或政府有否依法辦事,為何立法會或立法會主席可以例外? 例如,議員在議會會議上發言享有特權保障,但没有權在議會內犯法(擲杯)。




16 November 2016

High Court ruling (NPCSC Interpretation)

Paragraph 21 of the ruling : "In the premises, the Interpretation is binding on this court. In this judgment, unless otherwise stated, whenever I refer to the meaning of BL104, it is a reference to the meaning as set out in the Interpretation."

Paragraph 20 : "Although the courts in Hong Kong are authorised by BL158(2) and (3) to interpret provisions of the BL in adjudicating cases, the NPCSC has the final power of interpretation of the BL as provided under BL158(1) and (3) and Article 67(4) of the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China. An interpretation made by the NPCSC is binding on all the courts of Hong Kong, and the courts are under a duty to follow it."

*** Note that "all the courts" include this High Court, and it follows that this High Court has followed the Interpretation in adjudicating this case, although the judge has cleverly said that whether or not to follow the Interpretation, he will make exactly the same interpretation. By his own statement that "all the courts ..." he couldn't have done otherwise.

15 November 2016

法院判決 (人大釋法)



* 所有的法庭包括今次高等法院,最後一句意味着今次判決亦已落實了該解釋。


* 最後一句意味着今次判決已跟從了人大釋法的含義。


* 這一句意味着須採用[釋法所確立的]立法原意(不僅是普通法)。

10(a) 《宣誓及聲明條例》中有關條文反映及強調《基本法》第一百零四條的規定 ...

* 即以第104條的憲制規定為本。


* 早前湯家驊表示,議員是否拒絕或忽略宣誓,要由本港法院裁決,宣誓最重要的元素是「真誠」,單是「不莊重」不足以取消議員資格。

** 正如我早前說,今次法院判詞確立了兩者並重。

* "向特定政權及政府承諾及保證作出真誠效忠,並支持其憲法":這個說法比較特別。


* "相對於不慎或意外的":符合釋法有關"故意"的說法。


* "不論在形式或內容上":符合釋法的意思,即兩者缺一不可。

11. ... 因為客觀及明顯地,他們並不承認“一國兩制”的原則及該原則下“一國”的重要性,終審法院亦已清楚確認該等原則是建立中華人民共和國香港特別行政區的基石,以及奠定建基於《基本法》的香港憲制模式。

* 判決重申了一國的重要性。

15. ... 在該終審法院案例中衍生出以下原則:(1)在香港應用不干預原則時,必須符合《基本法》相關的憲制規定;(2)當《基本法》委予立法機關立法權力及責任時,法庭是有權力裁定立法機關是有否擁有某一權力、特權、或豁免權;及(3)在處理何事可被視為立法會的“內部事務”或“內部程序”時,應留意上述的規範。

* 判決就三權分立在《基本法》框架下的定位作了清晰的表述。法院有權裁定立法機關是否擁有某一權力 (但正如我早前說,如何運用該權力是立法會主席的判斷、立法會的家事)。今次判決否定了主席有權安排再次宣誓。


* 即同時須符合第104條的重要憲制規定(及本地立法中的法律規定),缺一不可。


* 早前曾鈺成說,監誓人没有權褫奪候任議員資格。

** 按上述判決,正如我早前說,監誓人有此附帶責任及權力(褫奪候任議員資格),但此權受制於司法覆核。即不存在監誓人就其決定須尋求法院確認 (第二層決定)的需要。

21.對於行政長官是否有資格(locus)提起訴訟,法庭裁定由於《基本法》第四十八條訂明行政長官有憲法責任執行《基本法》及其他香港的法律,所以行政長官有資格(locus)提出司法覆核及HCMP 2819/2016的申請。

* 根據《基本法》第48條,行政長官有資格提出訴訟。


14 November 2016


my post to HKFP:

some westerners cherish the value of total freedom like the US, but Chinese people value stability.

only 17% of hk people want independence, according to a survey conducted by hku.  and no one therefore would say that 83% love the CCP.  in short, hk people are very pragmatic.   we love our motherland and we want stability.

while it took the US more than 2 centuries to develop its democracy (and see the chaos they are now in), let's give China a bit more time.  there are still 700 million peasants.   when there are more and more middle class and university graduates, democracy will grow and flourish.

one thing about China which westerners may not know or understand is that after a chaotic century (the Opium Wars, imposition of unequal treaties of ceding Hong Kong and Macau, intrusion and ransacking by the Eight-Nation Alliance, overthrow of the Qing Dynasty, Japanese invasion, civil wars among KMT warlords and between CCP and KMT, cultural revolution, etc) Chinese people are desperate for peace, stability and prosperity at whatever costs.

some people say because of Mao many people died in the cultural revolution, and therefore we must hate the CCP.  on the other hand,  one can also say, given that painful experience, Chinese people don't want chaos anymore.


oath taking

see what the court has to say tomorrow about the duo.  having mandate or otherwise, one still has to observe the law and comply with the statutory requirements.   no such thing as automatic assumption of office.

getting a mandate from say 30,000 people is one thing, taking an oath to swear allegiance to the HKSAR of PRC, i.e. including 7 million people here in hk, is a totally different thing.

13 November 2016







12 November 2016

NPCSC's power of interpretation and amendment of the BL

The CFA's judgement on 3 December 1999, paragraph 143:

"I am equally in no doubt that the Interpretation took effect as from 1 July 1997. In making it, the Standing Committee did not purport to act, and has never purported to act, as a Court. Nor did it purport to be amending the law. It was doing exactly what it said it was doing, namely interpreting the law. That must mean that they were explaining what the law is and has been since the Basic Law came into effect."

Ref : LAU KONG YUNG AND OTHERS v. THE DIRECTOR OF IMMIGRATION [1999] HKCFA 4; [1999] 3 HKLRD 778; (1999) 2 HKCFAR 300; [1999] 4 HKC 731 ; FACV 10/1999 (3 December 1999)


下級法院有眾多法官可能有不同看法,須由終審法院一槌定音。分別在於人大釋法言簡意賅,而終審法院的闡述肯定了:(1)除了第一次釋法,以後釋法即使沒有提及,所有釋法均有追溯力;(2) 釋法不是修法;(3)全國人大常委會只是解釋了立法原意,無意取代法院審理案件。

Other references:

The CFA's judgement on 29 January 1999, which caused an uproar in HK and Beijing:

"It is therefore for the courts of the Region to determine whether an act of the National People's Congress or its Standing Committee is inconsistent with the Basic Law, subject of course to the provisions of the Basic Law itself."

Ref : NG KA LING AND ANOTHER v. THE DIRECTOR OF IMMIGRATION [1999] HKCFA 72; [1999] 1 HKLRD 315; (1999) 2 HKCFAR 4; [1999] 1 HKC 291 ; FACV 14/1998 (29 January 1999)

Subsequently, the CFA clarified on 26 February 1999:

"The Court's judgment on 29 January 1999 did not question the authority of the Standing Committee to make an interpretation under Article 158 which would have to be followed by the courts of the Region. The Court accepts that it cannot question that authority. Nor did the Court's judgment question, and the Court accepts that it cannot question, the authority of the National People's Congress or the Standing Committee to do any act which is in accordance with the provisions of the Basic Law and the procedure therein."

Ref : NG KA LING AND ANOTHER v. THE DIRECTOR OF IMMIGRATION [1999] HKCFA 81; [1999] 1 HKLRD 577; (1999) 2 HKCFAR 141; [1999] 1 HKC 425 ; FACV 14/1998 (26 February 1999)

According to BL19(3), the courts have no jurisdiction over acts of state. Note the words "such as". In the Chinese text, the word is "etc". As long as the NPCSC invokes Article 67 of the Constitution and BL158(1) to interpret the BL, the courts of the Region cannot question the legality of the Interpretation. I would argue that at best the courts of the Region may seek further clarification from the NPCSC.

BL19(3): “The courts of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall have no jurisdiction over acts of state such as defence and foreign affairs. The courts of the Region shall obtain a certificate from the Chief Executive on questions of fact concerning acts of state such as defence and foreign affairs whenever such questions arise in the adjudication of cases. This certificate shall be binding on the courts. Before issuing such a certificate, the Chief Executive shall obtain a certifying document from the Central People’s Government."

Someone asked whether the NPC may repeal or amend the BL in its own right, and definitely the answer is yes. The BL is a national law. Any national law is subject to repeal or amendment by the NPC, which is the highest organ of state power. BL159 provides that the power to propose bills for amendments is vested in the NPCSC, the State Council, and the HKSAR. For the HKSAR, it has to go through the motion of obtaining the prescribed consent.


The power of amendment of this Law shall be vested in the National People's Congress.

The power to propose bills for amendments to this Law shall be vested in the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the State Council and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Amendment bills from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be submitted to the National People's Congress by the delegation of the Region to the National People's Congress after obtaining the consent of two-thirds of the deputies of the Region to the National People's Congress, two-thirds of all the members of the Legislative Council of the Region, and the Chief Executive of the Region.

Before a bill for amendment to this Law is put on the agenda of the National People's Congress, the Committee for the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall study it and submit its views.

No amendment to this Law shall contravene the established basic policies of the People's Republic of China regarding Hong Kong.








11 November 2016

NPCSC's Interpretation of the Basic Law

Thanks to Ronny Tong Ka-wah, SC, I found the CFA judgement touching on the NPCSC's Interpretation of the Basic Law, which should be able to put to bed the retrospective issue once and for all :

LAU KONG YUNG AND OTHERS v. THE DIRECTOR OF IMMIGRATION [1999] HKCFA 4; [1999] 3 HKLRD 778; (1999) 2 HKCFAR 300; [1999] 4 HKC 731 ; FACV 10/1999 (3 December 1999)

72. The Interpretation, being an interpretation of the relevant provisions, dates from 1 July 1997 when the Basic Law came into effect. It declared what the law has always been. Compare the common law declaratory theory of judicial decisions, see Kleinwort Benson Ltd v Lincoln City Council [1998] 3 WLR 1095 at 1117 - 1119 and 1148.

143. I am equally in no doubt that the Interpretation took effect as from 1 July 1997. In making it, the Standing Committee did not purport to act, and has never purported to act, as a Court. Nor did it purport to be amending the law. It was doing exactly what it said it was doing, namely interpreting the law. That must mean that they were explaining what the law is and has been since the Basic Law came into effect.


下級法院有眾多法官可能有不同看法,須由終審法院一槌定音。分別在於人大釋法言簡意賅,而終審法院的闡述肯定了:(1)除了第一次釋法,以後釋法即使沒有提及,所有釋法均有追溯力;(2) 釋法不是修法;(3)全國人大常委會只是解釋了立法原意,無意取代法院審理案件。

鍾庭耀 / RTHK

RTHK:[鍾庭耀] 認為根據美國歷屆選舉的經驗,若特首梁振英連任,並做足10年特首,其民望將會是一個災難。






結果,iphone 太貴,美國人買唔起,而中國加大了關税,中國人亦買唔起。

Nuclear Football

mark the day when Obama hands over the nuclear football to Trump. it will be the day when the US presents another Kim Jong-un to the world. lol




polls are like the best possible guess, better than blind guess. reality is another thing. like if i say you have 90% chance of winning it doesn't mean you will win.

e.g. if i interview 1,000 people out of 10,000 by random sampling and if all 1,000 people happen to say they love apples, it doesn't follow that all 10,000 people must love apples.

some pundits say that another reason is that people lie, but i don't know why they have to do this. 

mine is a more philosophical one. of course some may argue that if random sampling is done better the probability should be so reflected. but then in reality there is no perfect random sampling. from an empiricism point of view, as opposed to a rationalist point of view, the probability theory cannot be proved in the real world as we don't do things perfectly and we don't master eternity.



但令各界嘩然反而是終審法院當時說,"特區法院有司法管轄權去審查人大或其常委會的立法行為是否符合基本法﹐ 如果不符合的話便宣告它們無效",這才是問題所在。因為根據憲法,人大是國家最高權力機關;而根據基本法,特區法院根本無權去質疑國家行為。










人大釋法 追溯力



大國崛起 (懶人包)

大國崛起 (懶人包)








10 November 2016



09 November 2016






the moral is that in this internet era, where netizens have their own collective views of the world, those elites who think they stand on moral high ground will suffer the same fate as Clinton.









NPCSC's interpretation


if not for the NPCSC's interpretation, two possibilities of the court ruling: (a) the LegCo President was wrong to give the duo a second chance; or (b) the President should have the prerogative to decide and it's not for the court to meddle in LegCo's affairs ...

for (a) it would be a heavy blow on the President's reputation and i don't think the court would like to do that; and for (b) it would be against the mainstream view if the duo would be given another chance. 

in short,  it's kind of a constitutional dilemma, just like three siblings embroiled in a fight with inevitable damage one way or another, and so NPCSC stepped in to save the day.


08 November 2016



(1) 首先,當年的居留權案,經人大釋法後,無論是釋法前或釋法後出生的港人子女,都同受影響。

(2) 任何還未終審的案件,有關法官都必須跟從人大的解釋。難道法官可以偏離該解釋嗎?試想:法官可否說,立法會主席有權安排第二次宣誓?或可否說有關人士不用莊重地宣誓?若可以,那麼法官憑甚麼準則去作如此判斷呢?

(3) 退一步去想,若法院表示不干預立法會的家事並交由立法會主席自行決定,那麼立法會主席仍須按人大釋法去跟進。

(4) 就今屆立法會,還沒有出現任何一宗法院的判決,因此只要有人提出司法覆核,即使已就任仍可褫奪其資格;即使與港獨問題無明顯關係,但由於在宣誓時其行為不莊重,仍可受到挑戰。

(5) 參考全國人大常委會辦公廳新聞發佈會:

[李飞] 全国人大常委会依法对基本法有关规定作出的解释,香港的本地法律包括普通法在内都不能与它相抵触。

[李飞] 法律解释是对法律规定的原意一个阐明,它不是重新立法。所以,它的效力是它所解释的法律生效时就存在的,但是有一个情况,考虑到基本法要在特区实施,而香港过去实施的是普通法,所以它对法律作出的解释在法律规定的情况下对个别案件是可以豁免的。但是这个豁免不是法律解释从它公布时才产生效力,这个效力和它所解释的法律是同时存在的。只是考虑到为了维护法律关系的稳定性,特别是已经既判终局判决的执行,所以大家再回到第一百五十八条的规定上来,“已经作出的终局的判决不受影响”,这只是对个别案件的豁免,不是说这个解释从公布时才有效力。




07 November 2016



BL77:"香港特別行政區立法會議員在立法會的會議上發言,不受法律追究。 "

如何理解 在立法會的會議上發言,例如宣揚港獨,是否不受法律追究


06 November 2016


this is reality, that's all i can say.  scotland and quebec have constitutional law to follow.  but we don't have such arrangement here,  nor does london or new york.

as we won't let mongkok seek independence, and if mongkok insists,  we 7 million people will decide,  not just them.   likewise,  if hk wishes to do so,  the 1.3 billion people should have a say.   same goes with london, new york etc.

the judiciary

ex-judge Woo Kwok-hing said that among the three powers, the court is the most powerful. As a candidate for the top job, his remark could have been the last straw, or at least it has been most untimely. And in the Right of Abode case, the CFA said that it has inherent jurisdiction to rule that the NPCSC/NPC is wrong, which is most unthinkable in constitutional law, BL, common sense and reality.

As you said, and I believe, the CPG has been wary of this mindset of the judiciary (and the legal profession, notably the civic party) for a long time, but CPG has to put up with it, until this time. As I see it, not only CPG, but if you read the Chinese paper and browse the Chinese internet, you would find that so many HK people and columnists (all local) have been extremely disappointed and even angry with the judiciary in their lenient treatment of protesters (which has failed to stop the instability and chaos in HK). Many people are concerned that HK's rankings in many aspects, such as university rankings, innovation etc have been lagging behind. Having said that, no one queries about the fair judgments as regards commercial cases, which is fine.

P.S. ex-judge Woo Kwok-hing even said that occupy central is good fun, and that he would have participated in it were he 50 years younger. Again, this is unthinkable, and it's only natural that CPG, I think, has doubts about the mindset of the judiciary.  By the way, Judge Thomas Au who presides over this case is/was a civic party member.

05 November 2016


RTHK : [戴耀廷] 表示,基本法沒有指出人大釋法有否追溯力,內地法例亦訂明修改法律並沒有追溯力,按此並不影響議員已作出的行為,因此先應讓他們重新宣誓,若議員再作出有關行為才予以處理。

hong kong independence?

it started off when the duo insulted you and your ancestors and martyrs etc.

according to a survey conducted by HKU, only 17% of hk people want independence, of whom i am not one.  it's not a matter of whether one likes the CCP, but when it comes to breaking up my motherland,  the majority of hk people won't agree to it.  

if the UK wants to break up UK, it's none of my business.

04 November 2016

釋法 vs 樓市辣招






此外,一些傳聞指梁游是卧底奸細,其實這些傳聞意義不大。因為假如屬實,難道這兩位便是英雄? 兩位真的有犧牲精神? 為了愛共產黨? 或是他們收了錢而現時卻要面對坐牢及一生各種坎坷境況? 不是收了錢,不是為愛黨,那麽為何要駡國人及祖宗? 為何反建制派及「雷動計劃」一直予以協助? 簡言之,責無旁貸。





03 November 2016

Basic Law Article 48

According to BL48, the CE shall exercise the following powers and functions: ... to be responsible for the implementation of the Basic Law and other laws which, in accordance with the Basic Law, apply in the HKSAR.

I would have thought that the CE is thus responsible for implementing BL104 and is therefore qualified to be one of the parties to the court hearing, and more importantly, to be the authority to declare that the duo failed to comply with BL104 as well as the ODO. If so, the onus falls on the duo to JR the Government and it will save the following embarrassing questions from Jat representing the LegCo President. We shall see how this saga unfolds.

... ... ...

[Jat] said the government’s argument is based on the assumption that Section 21 can be triggered automatically.

However, Jat said, the government then contradicted its position by first maintaining that the court is the final adjudicator on whether Section 21 of the ODO should be invoked, and later argued that Leung is obliged to declare that Yau and Leung were no longer entitled to retake their oath in accordance with Section 21.

He said the government’s logic was “rather odd.”

The correct view, he said, is that Section 21 of the ODO cannot be triggered automatically, which would have allowed the Legislative Council Secretariat to disqualify lawmakers without the president’s authorisation.

Further, Jat said, there is no legal obligation imposed on the president stating that he must invoke the section; it remains a matter of discretion.







Interpretation by the SCNPC

My post to HK Free Press:

When it comes to politics, like it or not, it is a fact that many people in Hong Kong don’t trust the court anymore.

Retired judge Woo Kwok-hing, when announcing his decision to run for the top post, said that among the three powers, the judiciary is the most powerful.  This hardly sits well with the executive-led constitutional arrangement as enshrined in the Basic Law. #

In its first interpretation of the Basic Law, the SCNPC stated that “Those relevant provisions concern affairs which are the responsibility of the Central People’s Government and concern the relationship between the Central Authorities and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.  Before making its judgment, the Court of Final Appeal had not sought an interpretation of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress in compliance with the requirement of Article 158(3) of the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China.  Moreover, the interpretation of the Court of Final Appeal is not consistent with the legislative intent.”

Since then, perhaps many judges (including Woo Kwok-hing) may have formed the view that the judiciary has the greatest power.  So much about mutual trust.

#  I won’t repeat the many views already expressed on the executive-led system.  Suffice to supplement a few points below:

(a) BL12: “The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be a local administrative region of the People’s Republic of China, which shall enjoy a high degree of autonomy and come directly under the Central People’s Government.”

Note that unlike other provinces in China where the provincial people’s congresses elect the governments and courts etc to which they are responsible and report their work, and by which they are supervised, the HKSAR comes directly under the CPG.  And according to BL43, CE shall be the head of the HKSAR, shall represent the Region and be accountable to the CPG and the HKSAR.  According to BL48(8), he/she shall implement the directives issued by the CPG in respect of the relevant matters provided for in the Basic Law.

While CE may directly dissolve LegCo according to BL50, LegCo may pass a motion of impeachment by a two-thirds majority of all its members and report it to the CPG for decision according to BL73.

It is clear that both the CE and HKSAR come directly under the CPG, the executive arm of government.

(b) In its decision of 26 April 2004, the SCNPC said: “When the set-up is such that half of the members are returned by geographical constituencies through direct elections and half of the members are returned by functional constituencies, the impact on the operation of the Hong Kong society as a whole, especially the impact on the executive-led system, remains to be examined through practice.”

The term “executive-led system” was mentioned.

Two more points:

(a) While the CFA has the power of final adjudication, it has to follow the interpretation of the SCNPC, which is a standing committee of the NPC, the highest organ of state power in China.  Note that the NPC has the power of interpretation, but it is for the court to adjudicate cases.

(b) BL19(3): “The courts of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall have no jurisdiction over acts of state such as defence and foreign affairs. The courts of the Region shall obtain a certificate from the Chief Executive on questions of fact concerning acts of state such as defence and foreign affairs whenever such questions arise in the adjudication of cases.  This certificate shall be binding on the courts.  Before issuing such a certificate, the Chief Executive shall obtain a certifying document from the Central People’s Government.”

Note the words “such as”.  In the Chinese text, the word is “etc”.

01 November 2016



(1) 習大大已貴為核心,地位穩如泰山。

(2) 美國大選在即,無暇搞局;TPP未必成事。

(3) 南海相對穩定下來,短期內不用費神。

(4) 南韓面對政治醜聞,自身難保;薩德系統或有變數。

(5) 國民黨來訪並重申九二共識,而內地早前亦運用了經濟手段,台獨沒有發展空間。

(6) 反國教、佔中佔旺、趕內地客、旺角鳩嗚、旺角暴亂、港獨、自決以至宣誓惡行,成事不足,反而團結了愛國愛港人士;宣誓惡行更激怒了全球華人,甚至有不少港人要求人大主動釋法。

(7) 胡官參選,稱司法權最大,漠視行政主導之憲政架構。

(8) 陳佐洱有關已故魯平之說,令人想起回歸後不久有關居留權的案件,當時終審法院認為,它有司法管轄權去審查人大或其常委會的立法行為是否符合基本法,令全城嘩然。回想自那時起,可能很多法官(包括胡官)均以為香港特區司法權獨大,情況令中央憂心。

