27 February 2018




all innovation is built on massive data of trial and error.   in life, failure is the mother of success.   as long as we try not to repeat the same mistake.

26 February 2018


談判講求實力,看今次九巴罷工似乎只會慘淡收場。 首先似乎工會還未註冊,未獲授權,即未能代表一定數目的員工。難怪當日罷工未獲積極響應。




美國為何不能與其他國家和平共處呢?中東是他的敵人,蘇聯是他的敵人,北韓是他的敵人,南美是他的敵人,即使中國也是他的競爭對手/敵人,美國需要與日本、印度和澳洲(和越南)一同圍堵中國。其實答案只有一個,就是他要賣軍火。 戰爭令他發達:在頹垣敗瓦中重建,不單可以令美國取得當地的控制權,亦令他的眾多公司的生意滔滔不絕。

24 February 2018



22 February 2018


據報道,香港將會實行一校一社工;而在美國,特朗普將會研究學校老師是否應該持槍教學,多麼諷刺。 ​​​



18 February 2018



(2)律政司司長鄭若驊僭建事件 。


17 February 2018



14 February 2018



"Needless to say (and Mr‍ Yu has not sought to submit otherwise), fairness requires that generally the Returning Officer should give a reasonable opportunity to the candidate to respond to any materials that the Returning Officer says are contrary to an intention to carry out the obligations under the Declaration.  The Returning Officer should then take into account those responses before determining whether there are such cogent, clear and compelling materials to show objectively that the nominee plainly does not have the requisite intention despite the signed Declaration."

(note the word "generally")

"Obviously, if a candidate even refuses to sign it, it must be objectively plain that he or she does not have the requisite intention to uphold the Basic Law and the nomination must be an invalid one."

"Under section ‍17(b) of the EAC Regulation, if Mr‍ Chan had applied for such an advice, the RO must also consider the advice before making the decision as to whether Mr ‍Chan was validly nominated.  But Mr‍ Chan himself also did not apply to the NAC for an advice.  Instead, he had sought legal advice from his own legal representatives, D&A.  In the premises, it is difficult to see how it is open to Mr ‍Chan to complain as a material irregularity that the RO had failed to ask for a NAC advice when he himself had similarly decided not to apply for one."

(a candidate may apply to the NAC for advice, which the RO must consider)


13 February 2018








07 February 2018







06 February 2018


今次終審法院的判決有以下重點:(1)只要涉及暴力,任何崇高理想(例如公民抗命)都需要接受刑罰,這對有識之士是當頭棒喝。(2) 終審法院確認了上訴庭的判刑指引,對未來或未審畢的案件有指引作用,例如涉及佔中未審畢的案件。(3) 終審法院亦確認了此案件涉及暴力(即非和平)這個事實。

05 February 2018

my motto

my motto: start a new day in a new way.  有說未來是屬於年青人的,我認為未來還未到,當下是屬於所有人的,包括老中青。



04 February 2018





03 February 2018

between nothingness and infinity / eternity (Tao)

Bryan once said during our discussion: we start off with a logical debate, it could be about science or philosophy, and when it comes to something not logical, there must be something wrong in the process.

If something falls into the realm of illogical / supernatural stuff, there is no point in further discussing it with logic. In other words, science ends there.

Sometimes we are faced with a paradox in an equation, and I think most likely it has something to do with super-small (nothingness) and/or super-large (infinity).

For example, X over zero, or X over infinity. The result is: undefined.

So, we have Newton (earth), Relativity (universe, super-large) and Quantum (sub-atomic, super-small). They use the same logic (1 plus 1 is still 2), but apparently, physical or natural or God's law applies differently. Scientists have been trying to unify all theories, so far without success.

Having said that, for Einstein's theories, when approaching the speed of light, apparently mass approaches infinity. No one knows for sure, because we haven't done this experiment to such extreme. Of course, a few years ago Europe did approach this closely enough, namely the Higgs Boson particle. Again, X over zero or infinity is undefined. Hence the possibility of warp and worm hole, the consequence of gaining light speed; and scientists also warned us of creating a black hole. But all this is only theory, hypothesis.

I admit that I am still puzzled by Quantum, regarding the concept of Schrödinger’s cat being both alive and dead at the same time, until being put under observation. I never looked at their equations. Wonder if again it's something to do with X over zero or infinity, and the possible flaw in understanding. I mean, could A=+X and A=-X at the same time (i.e. +X=-X) if X is a positive number? Is it logical?

I also once thought it has something to do with the square root of X, i.e. is it (a) +Y and -Y; or (b) +Y or -Y? If (a) is correct, i.e. "and", then for such an equation the solution can be both + and - at the same time, back to the question of whether it is logical or otherwise regarding Schrödinger’s cat being both alive and dead at the same time.

Perhaps nothingness and infinity still tricks us. In philosophy, nothingness and infinity is still unresolved. So, in equations, X over zero or infinity is undefined, and perhaps, paradox therefore arises.

Interestingly, in Tao, where something grows to its maximum, it comes back again to begin at its minimum (and the dot inside the maximum seems to encompass the minimum, paving the way to the minimum), and it goes on and on forever - like a worm hole where speed has reached its maximum, infinity comes back to the other end of space.

01 February 2018

the Legislative Council (Powers and Privileges) Ordinance

apart from confirming that violence was used by the rioters, this Judgment is important in that it asserts that a police officer can enter Legco even without invitation, and once inside the Legco building, the police officer is an officer of Legco.


