04 January 2015

Discussion on Democracy

29 December 2014 : 答應了 Portia Nora 與 Bryan Tang 討論民主,今天晚上吃過飯後 bryan 負責寫 bullet points 及劃 flow charts, 而 portia 則用 laptop 繼續寫她的論述。 bryan 寫了5張A4 紙,很有意思。 we started from occupy central versus anti-protest, then moved on to a comparative study of the westminster system, supremacy of the parliament, house of commons, house of lords, to the US system including congress, senate and the electoral college, and onto the bicameral legislature and the 2012 election committee in HK, followed by the 2017 proposal regarding the nominating committee and the counter arguments including the proposal for civil nomination, and then we talked about the basic law, national security present and past, and the failures and success if any of the occupy central and in particular its strategies vis a vis the local backlash and lack of support from mainlanders, the views of the judiciary, the waning interest from the media and governments around the world at the later stage, etc. (also democracy vs. meritocracy, etc.)