13 December 2014

civil strife

lines of decency crossed, no trust from both sides, posing threats to civil society and civilisation, credits and credibility, confidence and predictability.

hong kong

as asked, hong kong has already opened the pandora box.  everyone is talking and walking his or her own ways, while so called core (which means shared) values are no more shared.  families split, friendships torn, it takes years to heal and reestablish values, east meets west, collectivism vs individualism.

08 December 2014





02 November 2014

democracy - twisted logic?

Well, everyone intelligent or otherwise has his or her own values and we must respect one another. In a pluralist world, I think you will agree that we can't have everyone with the same value. Some people are driven by idealism, some pragmatism. I am somewhat in between. I think even an idealist needs to observe and re-calibrate his or her thinking having regard to the observable reality. In short, I believe that one needs to have a strategy to achieve what you want to achieve; and it's sad that many idealists may not achieve what they want to achieve. In the end, usually pragmatists do. Indeed I am most wary of the story (history) about Athenians vs Spartans; and it's the latter who prevailed in the end. ... ... ...

as i see it, at the end of the day, it all depends on what you want to achieve. and the question arises, does the means matter? is this a moral question? and if so, why shouldn't we have democracy in the work place? oh, is it because liberal democracy is simply democracy on the surface, while deep down all the capitalists / bosses indeed rule the country?!

democracy doesn't guarantee that you will have a good leader. usually its choosing the lesser evil supposedly, and mostly it has been choosing the worse evil. the beauty of it is to let people have another choice 4 to 5 years later, so that they can choose the worst evil. after all, the average IQ in society is simply average.

back to the question on work place. if workers have a vote, they'll vote for a pay rise and the company will soon go bankrupt.

the voting power rests with share holders and board members.

01 November 2014

time is on our side

甚麼是time is on our side?
工作賺錢、成家立室、養兒育女  ...
看透了現實,懂得計算 ...
所以,甚麼是 time is on our side?

21 October 2014



02 October 2014


" 克里強調,美國歡迎一個和平、繁榮與穩定的中國崛起,歡迎中國在亞洲以至整個世界範圍內承擔更多責任。"


24 August 2014


while helicopters cannot be used to rescue people in a fire zone given the wind it creates while hovering that fans the fire (my guess), what if we use 6 to 8 drones that can hover away from the fire zone with 6 or 8 ropes tied in the middle to rescue one person at a time.

such drones are easy  to manoeuvre while GPS provides the exact position of the fire zone and flying paths, with the distance among them remaining constant.

22 August 2014


democracy is a funny thing, e.g. ~

why can't a child vote in the family?
why can't a worker vote in the factory?
why can't every human being vote in any world affairs?

you may have your answers ready ...

the child is too ignorant, the worker will vote for a huge pay rise and bankrupt the company, and China will have too many votes ...

so, how does democracy actually work in society?  food for thoughts, apart from any standard answers.

22 July 2014



14 July 2014

contemplating the universe

while reading about the big bang singularity and the big crunch singularity, it is unthinkable that i, a conscious self, exist to marvel at the beauty of the universe while the universe simply exists without any consciousness of its own existence and beauty and yet it begets me, a conscious being, to think about it, to contemplate it, without true understanding.

that in my opinion proves that God must exist to render the whole thing a meaning.

10 July 2014

my dialogue with david






26 June 2014



20 June 2014



07 May 2014


"李源潮又提出「四點希望」,包括:1 支持行政長官 和特區政府依法施政;2 按照基本法和人大常委會 的有關決定,推動2017年實現特首普選;3 選出愛 國愛港的特首;4 推進香港繁榮穩定。"


21 April 2014


my outsight if not insight is that God created the world and creation or creativity is a wonder or is wonderful.  it has limitless possibilities.  that wonder and of course God's love thru salvation sustains me despite sufferings and emptiness.  where God comes from  i wouldnt have a clue.  but that is the only question i set aside and wait till He tells me one day.  i am content.

... while death and destruction has or is only one possibility

10 January 2014


基本法第18條 : 全國人民代表大會常務委員會決定宣布戰爭狀態或因香港特別行政區內發生香港特別行政區政府不能控制的危及國家統一或安全的動亂而決定香港特別行政區進入緊急狀態,中央人民政府可發布命令將有關全國性法律在香港特別行政區實施。
