** 人大常委會解釋基本法第104條,不是解釋宣誓及聲明條例,與後者無必然關係。
** 人大常委會按照憲法有權作補充,補充跟原文沒有衝突,便不是修改。
台灣變天,深水埗(九龍西)亦變天。2018年兩次補選,香港變了天。反對派(或自稱「民主派亅)慘敗原因:(1) 大多數選民認為DQ合理,對離地的政治口號感到厭倦。(2) 反對派根本沒有民主素養:選舉期間狙擊對手(包括肢體碰撞)、選舉輸了向台上勝出的一方喊「可恥亅,完全不尊重選民的選擇。(3) 反對派內鬥,群龍無首,將進一步碎片化。(4) 在貿易戰期間,反對派唱衰香港,置香港利益於不顧。
to share with you how I deal with stress.
(1) if money can solve a problem it's not a problem.
(2) set priorities. the higher the priority, more time is spent, with reasonable expectation. the lower the priority, the less time spent, with lower expectation. otherwise, if everything has the same priority, you won't have enough resources, and stress is unavoidable.
(3) time is King. timely intervention saves the day. procrastination lengthens the painful process. at the end, you spend more resources to salvage the situation.
(4) early planning gives you a better picture, with better contingencies and various buffers.
(5) fight or flight. I prefer the former but shouldn't rule out the latter.
(6) man proposes, God disposes. try your best, and leave the rest to God. many things are beyond your control.
(7) keep a good conscience. or repent to God. no need to harbour past sadness. let the dead past bury its dead.
(8) be creative, and see beauty in God's creation.
in recent years, most new buildings have been installing split type air-conditioners on the external walls without any area for maintenance workers to stand on. after about ten years, problems arise where individual property owners have to hire scaffolding workers and maintenance workers at different times of the year, all year round, considering that there could be over 500 such machines on the external walls of a building. problems include:
(a) environmentally unfriendly, ugly urban looks.
(b) nails on walls causing possible cracks for rain water to get in.
(c) insufficient number of scaffolding workers.
wonder if relevant departments (e.g. buildings, environment, lands, etc) could issue building guidelines to developers to minimize the need for future scaffolding works on maintenance and repairs.
瘋狂總統,駡全世界包括盟友(除了以色列、北韓、沙特阿拉伯)、自己揀選的班子、傳媒、國會 ... 也駡法官。
US Chief Justice's rare rebuke of Trump: 'We do not have Obama judges'
以前看 X Files 有一句名句,"The Truth is Out There",意味著人類所知有限,一切在於客觀的宇宙中。現時一切真理掌握在自我主觀世界,在自己手中。
87. In this respect, it must be emphasized that Ms Li has fairly and rightly accepted that the Government (through the Director) is entitled and has power as landowner to manage the use of the Forecourt by imposing restrictions and conditions. Hence, she accepts that even if the present Permission Scheme is declared unlawful, it is up to the Director to reconsider and devise a new scheme that would satisfy the proportionality test.
兩害取其輕:特朗普與彭斯之間,我寧願特朗普繼續做兩年總統,而國會在民主黨佔大多數的情況下不時向他施壓,拖他的後腿。特朗普是生意人,雖然橫蠻無理並毫無誠信,但至少收放自如。假設彭斯替代他:彭斯代表「福音派」, 有「末世論亅加速版的色彩,為求開打冷戰而大放厥詞,對世界和平構成重大威脅。
Bannon-Banks emails show Brexit campaigners sought US funding
民調須考慮以下因素:(1) 在憲制/實際的情況下是否可行?(例如民調結果是未來10年全民不用交税!);(2) 專家怎樣説?;(3) 其他持份者怎樣說?(例如本地/外地的資本家。);(4) 與其他政策如何配合?
assuming that the US and other countries are not yet ready, VW intends to sell electric cars and self driving vehicles in China. in particular for self driving vehicles, it means that VW will have to adopt the 5G standard pioneered by China. as far as 5G is concerned, history is in the making.
Volkswagen is spending $50 billion to develop electric cars and self-driving vehicles by 2023
paradox : government selling a flat at half price requiring the owner to repay the land premium before resale amounts to giving the owner a rent free period (times the proportion of the discount).
the longer time for resale, the longer time for the rent free period (pro rata).
「光復行動」提出公民拘捕。何謂公民拘捕?重點是何謂 arrestable offence。至於有警察在場,而按法例警察有酌情權不作出拘捕,在這情況下示威人士進行公民拘捕,是否合法呢?值得深思。
Wiki : Under the Criminal Procedure Ordinance (cap. 221 of the Laws of Hong Kong), section 101(2) provides that "Any person may arrest without warrant any person whom he may reasonably suspect of being guilty of an arrestable offence" using "force as is reasonable and proportionate in the circumstances". Once an arrest is made, the suspect must be delivered to a police office as soon as possible for court proceedings. "Arrestable offence" is defined as any crimes that can be sentenced for more than 12 months of jail time.