27 December 2015
12 December 2015
To share the discussion with my brother.
[12/12 9:21 am] Philip Tang:
for 2000 years there have been interesting pursuits. in the end, not talking about moral stuff, its science that prevails. when i say science i mean the global scientific community, not a few scientists.
moral issues aside, i am glad that science has laid a solid foundation in human civilisation.
as i discussed things with portia and bryan, i always led them to science, logic, reality etc. reality is also important, lest we will be armchair theorizing.
facts are important, i.e. reality. what chains the facts together in meaningful ways is knowledge and theory. theory can predict what comes next. facts alone are bare facts.
there are all sorts of theories, scientific theory, conspiracy theory, yin and yang etc.
what you believe very much shapes your character, present and future.
07 December 2015
05 December 2015
28 November 2015
A hymn
Man is lonely by birth.
Man is only a pilgrim on earth.
Born to be king, time is but a temporary thing,
only on loan while on earth.
Like the wind in the tree,
man has been rather reckless and free.
Thrown far and wide, we long to settle down beside
the stream flowing through eternity.
Like the grass on the lawn,
we will pass by the way and be gone.
A lesson to learn, we walk but once there's no return.
Time is always moving on.
Man is longing for One,
for a song and a place in the sun,
a home up above where ev'ry day is lived in love, for
rest when the journey is done.
12 November 2015
强積金 : 問題不是不同年齡需要有不同的投資策略,平時我們可以這樣講。但对强積金而言,那是基本的退休保障,應該以保守的投資計算,因為輸不起。進取型的投資應該應用於閒資 (spare money),而不是强積金。
01 November 2015
30 August 2015
05 August 2015
11 July 2015
Tsipras is a genius politician. First he won the election, then the referendum, and finally the votes of the opposition in parliament. Now he has "united" the sentiments of the greek population. And Europe happens to be still so romantic about people power. Not only has Tsipras won Greece but also the leftist sentiment of Europe. Having said that the latest proposal submitted by him is an indication of pragmatism after all. By this weekend we will all know what is real politics or realpolitik, and Tsipras will make his mark in history one way or another.
28 June 2015
16 May 2015
12 May 2015
07 May 2015
i was thinking if some people don't like means test because of its stigma, in the case of old aged pension, can we simply dish out the pension for everyone aged 65 or above, and then for those who have to file a tax return, at their senior age, there will be a separate section where they have to put in the amount of pension received and if their net income, apart from the pension amount, has reached a certain level then in ascending scale the whole amount of the pension will become tax. this will do away with the stigma issue, and somehow will minimise all hassles and administrative work. if we go along that line, only two questions remain: (1) the pension amount, and (2) the level of net income in a tax return that serves as the ultimate means test.
30 April 2015
energy revolution
The Western world has gone through industrial revolution (capitalisation), democratisation, information revolution (computerisation), but economic growth has been unsustainable in recent years. Unless there is any success in the energy revolution (shale gas), the US economy will probably continue to suffer in the face of the rise of China and the economic growth in other countries associated with China.
22 April 2015
21 April 2015
20 April 2015
19 April 2015
中國的發展道路是這樣的 :
深化互聯網作商貿及創新協作平台 …
以前爭取民主是指向港府、英國政府… 回歸後則指向特區政府及中央。若政改不獲通過,將會有一個很弔詭的情況,那就是,難道指向一半香港市民?民主路上不進則退,可悲。這個豪賭赢面甚低。若社會上出現大混亂,難道要中央介入?這不是特區政府將來的管治問題,而是與每一位香港市民息息相關的,包括經濟發展、民生等千萬個問題。看鄰近國家及地區已不停地抛離香港,何謂萬劫不復?這是一個唯心、理想的問題?還是一個唯物、實際的問題?不進則退,不知等待何時。
03 April 2015
2015-04-03 HKT 21:19
客观的说,中国承担这类外交使命的经验不多,不过,在此问题上中国无疑比其他国家更有优势。首先,中国与俄罗斯 ... ...
11 February 2015
西九支出龐大,但收入 ...
沒有地產項目(當年被迫取消了) ...
所謂本土文化的收入又有幾多? ...
所謂本土文化又如何長期吸引外來遊客或藝術發燒友來欣賞呢? ...
07 February 2015
doctrine of necessity
Seriously, can the doctrine of necessity be applied in LegCo to resolve the impasse arising from filibustering?
"The Doctrine of Necessity is the basis on which extra-legal actions by state actors, which are designed to restore order, are found to be constitutional. The maxim on which the doctrine is based originated in the writings of the medieval jurist Henry de Bracton, and similar justifications for this kind of extra-legal action have been advanced by more recent legal authorities, including William Blackstone.
In modern times, the doctrine was first used in a controversial 1954 judgment in which Pakistani Chief Justice Muhammad Munir validated the extra-constitutional use of emergency powers by Governor General, Ghulam Mohammad.[1] In his judgment, the Chief Justice cited Bracton's maxim, 'that which is otherwise not lawful is made lawful by necessity', thereby providing the label that would come to be attached to the judgment and the doctrine that it was establishing.
The Doctrine of Necessity has since been applied in a number of Commonwealth countries, and in 2010 was invoked to justify extra-legal actions in Nigeria."
04 January 2015
Discussion on Democracy
29 December 2014 : 答應了 Portia Nora 與 Bryan Tang 討論民主,今天晚上吃過飯後 bryan 負責寫 bullet points 及劃 flow charts, 而 portia 則用 laptop 繼續寫她的論述。 bryan 寫了5張A4 紙,很有意思。 we started from occupy central versus anti-protest, then moved on to a comparative study of the westminster system, supremacy of the parliament, house of commons, house of lords, to the US system including congress, senate and the electoral college, and onto the bicameral legislature and the 2012 election committee in HK, followed by the 2017 proposal regarding the nominating committee and the counter arguments including the proposal for civil nomination, and then we talked about the basic law, national security present and past, and the failures and success if any of the occupy central and in particular its strategies vis a vis the local backlash and lack of support from mainlanders, the views of the judiciary, the waning interest from the media and governments around the world at the later stage, etc. (also democracy vs. meritocracy, etc.)