27 December 2015



12 December 2015


To share the discussion with my brother.

[12/12 9:21 am] Philip Tang:

for 2000 years there have been interesting pursuits.  in the end, not talking about moral stuff, its science that prevails.  when i say science i mean the global scientific community, not a few scientists.

moral issues aside, i am glad that science has laid a solid foundation in human civilisation.

as i discussed things with portia and bryan, i always led them to science, logic, reality etc.  reality is also important, lest we will be armchair theorizing.

facts are important, i.e. reality.  what chains the facts together in meaningful ways is knowledge and theory.  theory can predict what comes next.  facts alone are bare facts.

there are all sorts of theories, scientific theory, conspiracy theory, yin and yang etc.

what you believe very much shapes your character, present and future.

07 December 2015


problem solving: 可先建一地兩檢的配套設施,暫時兩地兩檢,等有政治互信時才作一地兩檢。

05 December 2015



